Let's start...
This is the first try to test the knowledge of our pupils. Here there are some examples from the daily life. Do the young students understand whatever the newspapers write. Is the content of mass communication media reaching the students.
Are the arithmetic data easy for the students. Do they understand an announcement in the press? Can they make calculations to find percentages, to fill in tables, or not?
Let's get to look at the first questions. They have been written by the French team.
In the next post we'll see the results as well! How many students answered correctly? Which is the level of the Greek students vs the French people?
- Accelarator
- Aires
- Alpinist
- Aquarium
- Arithmetic operations
- Blood
- Braking distance
- Coordinate system
- Delphi
- Dice
- Eiffel
- Equation 1st degree
- Equation 2nd degree
- Exchange
- Formula I
- Frequency
- Function
- Geogebra
- Geometry
- Glossary
- Graph
- Hubble
- Maths is...
- Monthly Sales
- Montrol Senard
- Motion
- Oil
- Our towns
- Powers of 10
- Probabilities
- Project Description
- SketchUp
- Teams
- Time
- Volumes
- Water
- Wishes
- aircraft
- arabic numerals
- bridges
- copie des élèves
- cv
- etwin-Label
- exercises
- fortune
- linear equation
- map scale
- measurements
- nature
- numbers
- parabola
- percentages
- proportion
- quadratic
- space
- start
- straight line
- video
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