Δευτέρα 3 Ιανουαρίου 2011

The linear equation


Any time you have a "ψ equals a number" equation (i.e. y=5, with no x in it), the graph will always be a horizontal line.

Any time you have an equation as ψ=aχ+b with a<0, then its graph is a straight line  and the corresponding function f(x) = aχ+b is decreasing.

Changing the value of a, the angle between the x-axis and the straight line is changing.
Have a look at Excel file: y=-aχ+b.xls (Click here)

Any time you have an equation as ψ=aχ+b with a>0 , then its graph is a straight line and the corresponding function f(x) = aχ+b is increasing.
Changing the value of b, the straight line is moving from left to right and vice versa across the axis x, changing the y-intercept.

1. Have a look at the Excel file revised y=aχ+b.xls (Click here) and move the scrollbar in order to change the value of a and b.
What do you remark?

2. Go to the sheet Sales of the same excel file.
What's about the line in the graph?

Which is the straight line that shows that you have bought cheaper  and why?

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